- 8. July 2024
The future, key achievements and webinars
Some news about future possible cooperation, key achievements and October webinarsIn 2016 we started an ambitious journey with the initiation of the Nordic collaboration program, Nordic Smart Government and Business. The program has had its overall objective to contribute to the Nordic Prime Ministers vision of making the Nordic region the most integrated and sustainable region in the world by 2030.
- News from Nordic Smart Goverment and Business
- 14. June 2024
Free Webinars in October - sign up now!
Digital Transformation in the Nordic Business Region - now you can sign up for five free webinars in October - about the results of Nordic Smart Government and Business!Take the opportunity to join, broaden your knowledge and engage in discussions on digitalization and creating a smoother, more secure Nordic business environment – sign up for the October webinar series from Nordic Smart Government and Business!
- News from Nordic Smart Goverment and Business
- 15. December 2023
Five experts from NSG&B emphasize the importance of cooperation at the Nordic conference on XBRL
The question for the conference arranged by XBRL Finland was, how do we in the Nordic region move from bookkeeping to automated reporting. The quick answer to that question is by co-operating and sharing experiences, across national borders, across disciplines and between private and public actors.
- News from Nordic Smart Goverment and Business
- 3. November 2023
NSG&B ViDA-pilot attracts attention
We are breaking new ground - the pilot work on ViDA report is attracting attention in Europe and we see that many organizations are planning and preparing for what is to come regarding ViDA
- News from Nordic Smart Goverment and Business
- 16. October 2023
Successful cooperation on cross border data exchange
Based on a use case where a Nordic actor should be able to digitally start a business in another country, a joint experiment was conducted that shows many opportunities to create a smoother business for the 2 million SMEs in the Nordic region.
- News from Nordic Smart Goverment and Business
- 3. October 2023
Information from all Nordic business registers to be available through one gateway
As the Nordic Smart Government and Business program moves forward more and more projects and proofs of concepts emerge as we take the steps towards the Nordic Prime Ministers ambition of the Nordics becoming the most integrated region in the world.
- News from Nordic Smart Goverment and Business
- 21. September 2023
Nordic survey on digitalisation
A survey on the degree of digitalisation among enterprises in the Nordic countries is now being conducted at the request of NSG&B.
- News from Nordic Smart Goverment and Business
- 5. September 2023
Take the opportunity to participate in the second e-receipt pilot
The kickoff meeting for the second round of the e-receipt pilot is set for September 19 - And we would love to have your organization join this exciting cross border Nordic co-creation. Updated the 26'th of september : If you missed the kick-off meeting, don't worry - you can still register!
- News from Nordic Smart Goverment and Business
News from Nordic Smart Goverment and Business
Here you find the latest news from Nordic Smart Government and Business.