Jan Fredrik Håvie, Project Manager, Solution Area: Born Digital
The Nordic countries are in a unique position in having both a high level of trust in the society and being digitally mature. This gives the possibility for a common effort between the public and the private sector in building a digital infrastructure for SMEs that can make it is easier for them do their business both on a national and a Nordic level, says Jan Fredrik Håvie, project manager for NSG&B.
Successful cooperation shows potential
The fruitful cooperation with Virtual Finland is based on the Nordic Innovations vision aiming to make the Nordic region the most integrated region in the world by 2030. By working together NSG&B and Virtual Finland have been able to verify that it’s possible to create a seamless data exchange in the Nordic region that emphasizes elements such as interoperability, trust, consent and secure authentication that will benefit businesses as well as authorities.

Minna Rintala, team leader for the Finnish NSG&B and project manager for Finnish Real Time Economy program.
By combining dataspaces with the emerging self-sovereign and wallet-based solutions we can create good conditions for solving the sharing and access challenges we face today and thereby also contribute greatly to realizing the vision of a real-time economy,” says Minna Rintala, team leader for the Finnish NSG&B and project manager for Finnish Real Time Economy program.

Torbjörn Ull, project manager for Nordic Smart Government & Business
Foundation for a Nordic digital infrastructure
We are in a great position to structure and standardize company data for better interoperability across the Nordics,” states Torbjörn Ull, project manager for Nordic Smart Government & Business, and continue:
Within NSG&B we create foundations for the Nordic digital infrastructure that we see is needed and where machine-to-machine solutions can be used to a greater extent. A semantic model has for example been developed for smooth sharing of verified and quality-assured business information, and we are in the middle of implementing it in a Nordic cross-border API.
Read more about the Nordic collaboration
The collaboration's white paper can be downloaded from the Virtual Finland website:

For more information, contact Jan Fredrik Håvie, Project manager, NSG&B