Collaboration and about the program
Watch a short video where former national team leader Anna Kelly invites you to collaborate and learn more about NSG&B. Välkommen!
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A smoother and safer future for Nordic business
Digitalization gives us the opportunity to create a smooth and more secure business where our 2 million small and medium-sized Nordic enterprises are given greater opportunity to focus on what they are best at - developing their business relationships and their company. In the movie you follow a Nordic entrepreneur into the future.
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"Today we have agreed upon eight initiatives for digitalisation, business and growth in the Nordic region, and I am particularly pleased that the work with NSG will continue. Through continued co-creation between the business community and authorities in the Nordic region, we can create an eco-system for financial information that will bring great benefits to our businesses."
Ibrahim Baylan, Sweden's former Minister of Trade and Industry
(Quote from meeting with the Nordic Ministers of Trade and Industry September 1st 2020 where the strategic roadmap for NSG was approved.)

"Nordic Smart Government is one of the most important Nordic collaboration projects within the business sector in 2018-2020. Working to simplify work processes through digitalization is a unique opportunity to report and obtain real-time financial data."
Mikael Damberg, Sweden's Minister for Finance, former Minister for Business and Innovation
Watch a short video (in Swedish) where Dani Dawoodson, member of NSG&B CAB (Change Advisory Board) talks about the benefits of NSG&B and the importance of collaboration.
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Watch a movie about the vision of NSG&B (in Swedish)
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Participating Swedish authorities
- Bolagsverket (Swedish Companies Registration Office)
- Skatteverket (Swedish Tax Agency)
- Statistikmyndigheten SCB (Statistics Sweden)
- DIGG (Agency for Digital Government)
- Read more about NSG&B (in Swedish) at
- Contact national team leader in Sweden, Sherry Warsi