Foundation for the eReceipt pilot - Peppol
In the same way we used the Peppol infrastructure to send e-invoices and eOrders we would like to send B2B eReceipt through the Peppol infrastructure.
The sending system is the POS-system (Point-Of-Sale) in the restaurant or in the supermarket or the taxi system in the taxi.
We plan to use qr-codes to start the automatic process of sending eReceipt to the right travel expense system.
The basic idea
In the taxi or in the restaurant the qr-code are being scanned from the mobile phone or from the paper slip - and the process is started. This is the only new main process for the persons involved. But behind the scene things are happening:
- A Peppol eInvoice are generated and send with the eReceipt.
- The eInvoice and the eReceipt are received by correct travel expense system.
Join us
We expect to have the first Production test start in week 16 2023.
Becoming part of the pilot is easy - Contact our project manager Jan Andre Maeroe assistance: