Positive results from our pilot work
Since end of 2021, we have been conducting a pilot project to facilitate the use of eDocuments. The objective of the pilot has been to - together with service providers and SMEs in their role as buyers and sellers - test access points within the Peppol Network.
The results from the pilot work show that SME can send and receive eInvoices and eOrders, in a standard format via the Peppol Network, from all Nordic countries.
"We have had a very good Nordic collaboration with actors in the private market says, Jan Andre Mærøe, project manager Digital business documents and Product information NSG&B, and continues:
I want to thank everyone involved for their efforts and time spent. The tests and documentation of the eInvoice and ordering format could not have been accomplished without the active participation and contribution of the service providers. Together we have proved that the core of NSG&B, using structured business data from the start when buying and selling, really works cross-border in the Nordic region."

Jan Andre Mærøe, project manager Digital business documents and Product information
Supporting SMES doing cross-border business
Through the collaboration with the market, we did get an insight into service providers who can offer SME solutions that facilitate their buying and selling process across borders. In order to give SMEs an overview of where to get Nordic transborder services, we now publish a list of service providers on nordicsmartgovernment.org.
- If you are a service provider for eProcurement systems and have services that support different processes using Peppol BIS and Peppol Network for cross border transactions and want to be on the list, please contact me, Jan Andre Mærøe, and I’ll guide you further.
Our 2 millon Nordic companies can also use, and are using, standard formats and Peppol Network nationally in their business processes already today in order to ease and streamline their processes.
Trade and eDocuments – the core
Trade is the core of all companies' activities and it’s in the transactions that business data arise. When we handle sales and purchases digitally by default and do so in compatible formats across the Nordic region, we really take advantage of the power of digitalization.
"Using structured data from the start when buying and selling is the basis for what we want to create within NSG&B. Data is being generated in the daily business processes, but to get the benefits of high-quality structured data, buyers and sellers need to find and use good services and digital business systems helping them capture the data. The pilot is therefore crucial part of the core and the value we intend to create in the Nordic region and for our SMEs", says program manager Kjersti Lunde.

Program manager Kjersti Lunde
Start of new pilots
The pilot work is now continuing with initiatives for eCatalogs and eReceipts. The eCatalogue is in process, and eReceipt are expected to be delivered during the spring 2023.
When it comes to catalogs it’s particularly interesting to include environmental information. This makes it possible to, in a somewhat longer term, analyze the environmental footprint and to report green data in a smooth and efficient way to the authorities.
"It’s important to help create good conditions for digital business systems to set up an environment where buyers and sellers more easily can exchange business and environmental information and automatically reuse data from e-documents such as orders, invoices and receipts", says Sherry Warsi, implementation manager.

Sherry Warsi, implementation manager.
Get involved or get answers to your questions
Do you want to get involved in an exciting co-creation across the Nordic borders where we explore new opportunities to take advantage of the power of digitalization, contact our program manager, Kjersti Lunde (kjelun@erst.dk), or project manager Jan Andre Mærøe (JanAndre.Maeroe@dfo.no) . They love to hear from you.
Short facts about the pilot work
The eInvoice and eOrder pilots has been carried out in close collaboration with service providers and SMEs from the Nordic countries. The service providers have contributed by reviewing the process for test and by proposing specific ways of ensuring semantic and technical interoperability. The pilot has been carried out in production environment with existing SMEs sending and receiving eInvoices and eOrders.