Digitalization gives us the opportunity to create a smooth and more secure business start. In the movie you will see an example of how we can facilitate the start-up phase through smart digital solutions.
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Watch a short video where project manager Jan Fredrik Håvie presents solution area Born digital.
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Situation today
- Today the business startup process is a mix of digital and manual, paper based (including PDF/eForms) processes.
- There are limited built in guidance as well as disconnected processes, relying on SMEs and/or their helpers understanding all of the compliance requirements and how to meet them.
- Setting up a successful business also includes acquiring required bookkeeping and administrative systems, registration with government agencies and the capabilities companies need to be a part of a digitalised ecosystem (e.g being able to send and receive digital business documents like e invoices, and so on ) which is currently not a part of the start-up process.
- Additional work is necessary if the business is required by its customers to document compliance, e.g. being registered for VAT or having required permits for its line of business.
User scenarios for key stakeholders (SMEs + service providers + authorities)
- A new SME should be able to enter an orchestrated, digital process that involves relevant public and private sector actors, and ensures its compliance.
- The startup process should provide the necessary digital infrastructure required to operate in a compliant and effective manner, and create authoritative information documenting its compliance.
- The SMEs should get feedback in the process, and be given confirmation that it meets all compliance requirements as long as it has provided adequate facts about its business.
- The onboarding process should meet minimal common requirements regardless of where (in the Nordic region) it is started, to facilitate trust and digital interaction between businesses across the Nordic region.
Key activities and deliverables
- Survey of maturity and ongoing initiatives (2021).
- Process modelling (done with participation from users and stakeholders) for the processes to be (2021).
- Initiate pilot activities (2022).

Jan Fredrik Håvie, project manager Born digital
Project manager Jan Fredrik Håvie
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